
6 TOPICS of focus for the prevention of violence during elections

Do you want to implement an activity as part of your programme to prevent and mitigate electoral violence? 

Check out our knowledge hub for inspiration and programmatic guidance, with examples and resources. 

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Inclusive governance

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Parliament & citizen participation

coming soon

Early warning & Early response

6 TOPICS of focus for the prevention of violence during elections

Do you want to implement an activity as part of your programme to prevent and mitigate electoral violence? Check out our knowledge hub for inspiration and programmatic guidance, with examples and resources.

coming soon

Gender and women's equity

coming soon

Inclusive governance

coming soon

Parliament & civic participation

coming soon

early warning & early response

Using digital technologies for democracy and peace: Five young leaders’ advice to policymakers.

How can digital technologies enhance inclusive political processes and practice?
And how do we make sure to leave no one behind?

Here are 4 recommendations from young leaders that are using digital tech to create positive change in their work. 



WEBSITE: (coming soon)
TOPIC : (coming soon)
TOOL: preventing and mitigating electoral violence during elections



WEBSITE: (coming soon)
TOPIC : (coming soon)
TOOL: a digital innovation to promote youth participation

For more informations contact : 
[email protected]


A programming strategy for practitioners, integrating 5 pillars derived from SDG 16 for a focus on how activities may contribute to higher order results. Check out the Inclusive Governance topic for more information.

SELECT builds upon the UN and EU’s joint commitment towards multilateralism and the common policy priorities for conflict prevention, rooted in the EU’s Global Strategy and the UN’s Sustaining Peace and 2030 Agenda, in particular SDG 16 to :

“promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels.”

For programming purposes, SELECT translates SDG 16 into five pillars: Accountability, Inclusion, Transparency, Capacity and Peace/Conflict Prevention.

By framing the areas of activities in line with these pillars, the approach shifts from an institutional to a thematic outlook, involving a range of different electoral stakeholders over a longer time span contributing to higher order results.


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In line with the target 6 of the SDG 16, which aims to “develop effective, accountable and transparent institutions at all levels”, and target 10 which aims to “ensure public access to information and protect fundamental freedoms, in accordance with national legislation and international agreements”, the transparency pillar is a key concept of SELECT as it promotes institutions which formulate and implement evidence-based policies while communicating openly and in a response manner to their citizens’ needs and opinions.


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In line with target 7 of the SDG 16, which aims to “ensure responsive, inclusive, participatory and representative decision-making at all levels” and target 16.b to “promote and enforce non-discriminatory laws and policies for sustainable development” as well as SDG 5 and 10 which aim end discrimination and promote equality, the inclusion pillar is centred on the understanding that sustaining peace requires meaningful participation and representation of all people in institutions and processes.


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In line with the target 6 of the SDG 16, which aims to “develop effective, accountable and transparent institutions at all levels”, Accountability is at the heart of SELECT. Accountability measures enhance public trust in institutions and processes, which help to prevent electoral violence in the long-term.


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In line with SDG 16 target A to “strengthen relevant national institutions, including through international cooperation, for building capacity at all levels […]”, the capacity dimension refers to all strategies and activities directed at improving the transfer of knowledge and expertise. It further relates to the development of technical, organisational and human capacities with the intent of strengthening institutions in the long run.


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In line with SDG 16 target 1 “significantly reduce all forms of violence and related death rates everywhere” the Peace Pillar acknowledges the intrinsic connection between effective, accountable and inclusive institutions and resilient and peaceful societies. The pillar speaks to the need to link electoral assistance to conflict prevention efforts, supporting conflict sensitive electoral assistance programmes while programming specific conflict prevention activities.
Transparency read more
Accountability read more
Inclusion read more
Capacity read more
Peace/Conflict Prevention read more


Information Integrity E-learning

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