Building AI-powered tools to assess electoral data for insights into inclusion

Building inclusion within the election process can benefit from having data-driven and targeted insights into the patterns around participation within electoral events. This can be particularly useful for gender or minority inclusion. This programmatic option offers insights into how machine learning capabilities may be used to analyse electoral data.



Electoral Management Bodies (EMBs) have custody of an abundance of data such as systematic information related to the electorate, voting habits, constituency composition, detailed election results and candidate profiles. The information they hold will vary depending upon the specific country context, the data recorded, the broader public data sources and how the elections are conducted.

Artificial intelligence tools – specifically machine learning algorithms – offer a range of new capabilities to data analysis and can automate tasks, predict future trends, identify patterns, adapt to new data and scale to large datasets.

Election data plays a crucial role in supporting decision-making processes aimed at building gender inclusion within the election process. By analysing demographic data related to voter registration, turnout and representation, EMBs and policymakers can identify disparities and barriers faced by women when participating in the electoral process. This data can inform targeted interventions and policies to address these challenges, such as initiatives to increase women’s voter registration rates, enhance accessibility to polling stations and promote women’s representation in elected offices.

Moreover, election data can provide insights into gender dynamics within political parties, candidate nominations and campaign financing. By examining data on candidate gender, campaign spending and electoral outcomes, stakeholders can assess the representation and influence of women within the political arena. This information can inform strategies to promote gender parity in candidate nominations, increase financial support for women candidates and address systemic biases that may hinder women’s electoral success. Furthermore, election data can support monitoring and evaluation efforts to assess the effectiveness of gender inclusion initiatives and track progress towards gender equality goals.

Overall, leveraging election data in decision-making processes is essential for advancing gender inclusion within the election process. By using data-driven insights to inform policies, programmes and interventions, stakeholders can work towards building a more inclusive and equitable electoral system that ensures equal participation and representation for women.

Creating systems with machine learning capabilities to assess data held by an EMB involves several key steps.

  1. Firstly, the data needs to be gathered and organized, including voter demographics, registration information, polling station data and election results. This may include data from various sources, such as the EMB, census authorities, boundary authorities and observer data, among others. Electoral data should be integrated with other relevant datasets, such as socioeconomic indicators, education levels and access to resources.
  2. Next, as far as possible, data should be preprocessed in order to clean it, handle missing values and prepare it for analysis.
  3. Machine learning algorithms can be applied to the preprocessed data to extract insights and patterns, such as voter turnout trends, demographic voting preferences and potential irregularities in the electoral process. Additionally, machine learning models can be used to predict future outcomes, such as voter turnout in upcoming elections or potential electoral fraud risks.
  4. These insights can be conveyed in various ways; this may include reports or a more dynamic means such as visualization on a dashboard interface that would allow stakeholders to interactively explore the data and gain valuable insights into the electoral process.

What is machine learning?

Machine learning is a subset of artificial intelligence (AI) that enables systems to learn and extract valuable insights from data, make informed decisions and improve performance through continuous learning and adaptation, without being explicitly programmed. It involves developing algorithms that can identify patterns within data, make predictions and adapt their behavior based on feedback. Machine learning algorithms can achieve tasks such as pattern recognition, prediction, classification, clustering, optimization and decision-making.

Machine learning algorithms can be broadly categorized into three main types: supervised learning, unsupervised learning and reinforcement learning:

  1. Supervised learning: Learns from labeled data, mapping inputs to outputs.
  2. Unsupervised learning: Learns from unlabeled data, identifying patterns or structures.
  3. Reinforcement learning: Learns through trial and error, aiming to maximize cumulative rewards.

Each type of machine learning algorithm has its own strengths and applications, catering to various tasks and scenarios.



What are important considerations prior to initiating the activity?

There is a range of benefits to using machine learning to analyse electoral data; however, as is the case with many AI activities, certain factors need to be guarded against in their design and practice:


  1. Data quality and bias: Ensure that the electoral data used for analysis is accurate, reliable and representative. Be aware of potential biases in the data that may disproportionately affect women, such as underrepresentation or misclassification.
  2. Privacy and ethical considerations: Respect privacy rights and ethical principles when collecting, storing and analysing electoral data, particularly sensitive information related to gender and identity. Ensure compliance with relevant data protection regulations and guidelines.
  3. Intersectionality: Recognize the intersectionality of gender with other factors such as race, ethnicity, class and disability. Consider how different dimensions of identity intersect and influence electoral participation and outcomes for diverse groups of women.
  4. Inclusivity in model development: Involve diverse stakeholders, including women from different backgrounds and perspectives, in the development and validation of machine learning models.
  5. Interpretability and transparency: Prioritize the interpretability and transparency of machine learning models to facilitate understanding and accountability.
  6. Contextual understanding: Contextualize the findings and insights generated by machine learning algorithms within the broader social, cultural and political context. Consider historical and structural factors that shape gender dynamics and electoral processes, and interpret results accordingly.


Who is best placed to implement the activity?

The EMB is well placed to conduct these activities, given its access to large amounts of data. Furthermore, it is well positioned to take action based upon the findings.

Another approach would be for civil society organizations to develop such systems and reports, although their access to data will be constrained. Work can be conducted with the EMB and other stakeholders to make data ‘open’; however, privacy and legal constraints will still likely limit the abundance of data that can be analysed.


How to ensure context specificity and sensitivity?

The availability of data will be highly context specific, driven by a number of co-factors, such as the number of elections that have been overseen and the election administration process. Specifically, processes that are more digitized are likely to create more elections.


How to involve youth?

These activities do not have to solely address gender issues but can be applied successfully to other marginalized communities and demographics, including youth. Furthermore, this falls within the expectations for gender work since intersectionality in discrimination is addressed.


How to ensure gender sensitivity/inclusive programming?

Gender sensitivity is at the heart of this activity. However, from an analytical point of view, it is vital to include women in the activity so that they may be able to more correctly understand the findings or challenge them.


How to communicate about these activities?

Communication will likely be a part of the activity, led by the insights, seeking to ameliorate some of the findings.


How to coordinate with other actors/Which other stakeholders to involve?

Coordination with other data holders is important as the implementer seeks to access the greatest set of data sources possible, in as generous a data set that can be received.

How to ensure sustainability?

Where possible, data streams should be automated and the cleanliness of the data systematized, in order to reduce the need for on-going data wrangling.

Using flexible dashboard tools, such as Power BI or Tableau, can limit the need for external expertise.

Training some IT staff in fundamentals related to machine learning can help reduce the need for outside and costly experts.


  • Infrastructure and computing resources: Investing in computing resources and infrastructure to support the development and deployment of machine learning models is essential. This includes costs for hardware, cloud services and software licenses needed to train and run machine learning algorithms.
  • Machine learning model development: Developing and fine-tuning machine learning models requires expertise in machine learning algorithms, data science and statistics. Costs include salaries for data scientists, machine learning engineers and domain experts, as well as costs associated with training data, model evaluation and validation.
  • Testing and quality assurance: Testing the machine learning dashboard for functionality, usability, performance and security is essential to ensure its effectiveness and reliability. Costs include salaries for quality assurance engineers, testing tools and infrastructure.
  • Deployment and maintenance: Deploying the machine learning dashboard and maintaining its functionality over time require ongoing investment. Costs include salaries for system administrators and technical support staff as well as costs associated with software updates, patches and maintenance.
  • Training and support: Providing training and support to users of the machine learning dashboard is essential for ensuring effective utilization and maximizing its value. Costs include salaries for training staff, documentation development and user support services.


  • Ultimately, the provision of insights can be useful; however, the commitment to apply the findings is another matter. Institutions may choose not to always act upon findings for a variety of reasons.
  • The quality and range of data may be limited, constraining the ability to take these approaches.
  • Machine learning is not a perfect science, and the findings may not always make sense or will only tell part of the story. Human analytical skills and domain knowledge remain vital to understanding the narratives and dynamics of the human world.






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